Horizon Golden Compass
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Stock Code
115,00 USD
84,78 USD
(%3,00 remittance discount)
115,00 USD
87,40 USD
TIMELESS The earth is like a gigantic magnet with one end to the north and the other to the south.
Earth's magnetism causes the compass needle to turn towards the north pole.
The fact that the needle constantly points in the same direction is due to the fact that there is a force on the earth that attracts the needle.
Compasses, which are used especially in transportation and field investigation, and which are used to determine the direction on the Earth, work with the principles of magnetic or gyroscopic direction determination or with respect to a star.
The oldest type of compass is the magnetic compass, which shows directions relative to the Earth's magnetic field.
A magnetic compass is a magnetized needle used to observe the direction of the Earth's magnetic field, taking bearings and helping to locate.
The first compasses were produced using magnet stone.
Sailors discovered that when a small piece of magnet stone was placed on a stick and dropped into the water, the stick aligns with the Earth's magnetic field lines and one end points to the Pole Star.
The north-pointing tip of the needle found in the Horizon Gold Compass is colored for easy viewing.
By using the compass, not only the north direction, but also other cardinal directions and intermediate directions can be found.
By using the movable metal piece and rope on the Horizon Golden Compass, a shadow moving according to the position of the Sun can be followed.
With this feature, besides the compass function, it also has the sundial feature.
All of the relief patterns on the product are decorated using 24 carat gold.
Diameter : 13 cm
Width: 10 cm
Height : 10.5 cm
Product Origin : Turkey

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